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Sales Strategies for the New Online Age (Inglewood)
Dec 12, 2019 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
As we see classic stores like Toys R Us, Sears close down and Macy’s reduce stores we see the brick and mortar world having a tremendous shift as more consumers feel comfortable buying online.
In the past we would place ad in the paper or do a mailing and a numbers game we would convert advertising to business?
Now, as times have changed and how we consume information has shifted from print media and even commercials to online Social Media platforms we have to stay up to date on digital marketing strategy and online branding to stay competitive.
-What is a funnel and why you need one if you are going to have a presence on social media
-How to create a compelling lead magnet that converts
-Why email marketing is still relevant and necessary for this strategy to be effective
-How to write emails that sell
-The key to converting prospects
-Plus many more secrets and hacks
Instructor: Deborah Deras